"In 10 sessions you'll feel the difference,
in 20 sessions you'll see a difference,
and in 30 sessions you'll have
a whole new body!" -Joseph Pilates
Whether you have never done Pilates and are looking to start, if you have some experience and want to progress, or if you've been doing Pilates for years, our team of credentialed instructors at Body Be Well Pilates can help you feel your best every day.

Body Be Well Pilates Teacher Training is a comprehensive program, taught by Chelsea Streifeneder & Suzanne Hazelton designed to provide the next generation of teachers with the best our industry has to offer.
Through our affiliate program, we also offer the opportunity to run courses at your studio, without the red tape and punishing fees.
If you are a potential student or a potential Studio Host, we have great things for you!
Accessible, Achievable, & Flexible
Pilates Teacher Training.
I'm a potential student looking for a program that delivers what I need to succeed
Picking your program is so important. It needs to motivate and inspire you to do the hard work while also preparing you for success with a strong curriculum, access to an apprenticeship & consistent support throughout your journey & beyond.
I'm a studio owner looking to host Pilates Teacher Training
As studio owners, we are painfully aware that not all programs are created equal. Our Body Be Well Affiliate Program offers a wide range of resources, mentorship, and support if you are looking to begin a Pilates Teacher Training program in your studio. Our focus is to teach you how to teach with confidence and give you a solid framework to build on.